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Manuscript and Grant Editing 

How Loon Lake will help finalize a manuscript:

•Prepare the manuscript in journal-specific format, following the author guidelines from your target journal.

•Edit for style, grammar, clarity, organization, and suitability for intended audience; flag any errors/inconsistencies.

•Write an abstract by distilling it from main paper, if the author(s) have not had time.

• Draft a cover letter to accompany the manuscript, for authors to review and finalize if desired.

•Edit/crop/resize images to fit journal-specific format. Remove patient data, etc.

•Review tables, charts and data for format/accuracy.

•Contact co-authors for signatures and completion of paperwork.

•Obtain permissions to reprint images previously published if needed.

•Submit manuscripts and grants online using web-based systems such as manuscript central.

•Handle correspondence with journal staff as needed, politely and professionally.

•Help revise manuscripts that have been conditionally accepted with changes requested by journal editors/reviewers or book editors. This includes making the reviewer-requested changes and explaining how and where each change was addressed in the manuscript, as applicable.

•Resubmit manuscripts for final review.

How Loon Lake will help finalize a grant proposal:

Loon Lake follows proven methods for grant proposal editing, having learned from senior researchers who have been grant funded for years, and emulating their most successful techniques. Specifically Loon Lake will:

• Improve the grant proposal's impact and score by checking that writing, grammar and style are clear and concise.

• Check tables, figures and captions, and check consistency of data between tables and text. 

• Check that the writing level is matched to the intended grant reviewer's specialty, if known.

• Correct English for both native English speakers and people for whom English is not the first language. 

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